
Saffron is indeed the most expensive spice by weight. It has various usage and occasionally refer to as the rarest spice. You can think of Saffron, an herb often worth more than gold.  Saffron is a spice with a strong fragrance and distinctive color. The spice is also rich in antioxidants, which may have many health benefits.

The Most Expensive Spice in the World

Why Saffron is expensive?

To have 1 kg of pure saffron, crocus of a volume of a football field must be harvested. That's why saffron is valuable, like gold. Saffron is very expensive because it requires a tremendous amount of care and labor force. For only 1 gram of pure organic saffron, at least 150 flowers must be harvested. A Crocus with bloom needs to be harvested by hand. All these endeavors, tending and suffering, necessitates significant appraisal. 

How to use Saffron?

We know what you're thinking. It's great to know why saffron is so rare and expensive, but what do i do with it? What does Saffron taste like? The question is not quite as easy to answer. Appropriately, given the air of mystery surrounding the spice, saffron seems to have different characteristics to different people. Some will note its sweet, honey-like flavor, while others find it earthy and musky. Yet others are able to detect a balance of the two. Saffron is prized as much for its colour as its flavour, imparting a rich, golden hue onto recipes ranging from Saffron risotto, to a variety of curries. It can even be used in desserts such as pudding, cakes and sweetened rice. If you are worried about the expense, don't fret! A little goes a long way. For most dishes, you will only need 1-3 Saffron threads to get the desired effects. 

What does it taste like?

Saffron is extremely subtle and fragrant. The slightly sweet, luxurious taste is totally enigmatic - it's tricky to describe but instantly recognizable in a dish. As annoying as it is to say, you know it when you taste it.

How do i store Saffron?

Keep threads in a cool, dry, dark place (you can put it in the freezer for up to a year). Saffron water can be stored in the fridge in an airtight container for up to three weeks. 

Where to buy Saffron?

We have our own brand of Saffron. Click here to purchase